Congratulations to everyone on making it to the end of the first week back in 2021. What a week! On Monday morning we were planning for a full return on Wednesday. By that same evening that had completely changed. I would like to thank everyone for their support this week in preparing to open school for vulnerable pupils and the pupils of critical workers and for many of you preparing to have your child at home accessing their remote learning. We appreciate that this can be very difficult- and we ask you do it in a way that fits in for you and your family. Please don’t worry if you’ve not got into a routine yet. If there is anything at all that we can help with, then please do get in touch. In September we carried out a survey on accessibility to devices and the internet at home. If there is a problem with your child accessing a device at the moment then please send an email to Herbie has really missed seeing everyone over the holidays. He barked at every child he saw – I think he was asking them to fuss him like you do. Look what he found this morning. Have a lovely weekend everyone – and I’ll be in touch with some assemblies next week too.