Good afternoon everyone,
A couple more reminders before the start of the new term. It was agreed and shared with you in the final newsletter before Summer, that the children will continue to come in to school in their P.E. kits on the days they have P.E. Your child’s class teacher will let you know the arrangements for P.E. this year. We do expect the children to follow the school dress code at all times. Ear-rings must not be worn for school. The children can bring a bag to school if required. In the Infants we ask that the red book bags are used. A small bag can be used in the Juniors - but please note that storage can be an issue.
School uniform is as follows:
Grey trousers/ skirt or pinafore
Red and white cotton dress
Red jumper/ sweatshirt or cardigan
White polo shirt
White socks/ grey socks/ grey tights/ red tights
Black school shoes (flat heels, not boots)
Navy blue shorts/ PE skirt/ Navy blue tracksuit (plain blue jogging pants and sweatshirt)
White t-shirt or St. Stephen’s logo top with blue short sleeves
Pumps/ trainers
Mrs Southern