Next week our Y6 pupils will be sitting their national curriculum tests. We are all so proud of how hard they have worked as they have prepared for them. In our worship this afternoon their Reception buddies presented them each with a little message and giftbag. We know you will be amazing Year 6. Your time to shine!
Next Tuesday again we will not be having our family worship as Y6 meet in the hall each morning to have breakfast together before their tests.
On Tuesday the children in Y1,2 and 3 will all be taking part in some scooter training. The coaching sessions will each last for 90 minutes, and give children the key skills and knowledge to start making journeys safely on their scooters. All equipment is provided. The children need to come to school in their P.E. kit on this day.
Forms for the sponsored walk (taking place on the afternoon of Friday 24th May) should have arrived home with your child this week. Please contact the school office if this is not the case.
Our Tweak of the week will remain for worship time next week. The children are getting better at walking in calmly and quietly, being respectful in this time we spend together.
Please make sure you have the date for the Summer Fayre in your diaries- Saturday 29th June. It would be appreciated too if you could share the link on our Facebook page.
I hope you have a lovely weekend, and we will see you on Monday.