We come to the end of another busy week. Thank you to everyone who came along to the Y4 & 6 music concert on Wednesday morning. I’m sure you’ll agree that the Y4 brass players performed really well as a team. Y6 did a great job with their beautiful singing, and their hand-bell performance was amazing! Well done to Emily and Phoebe on the piano. All the staff who went to Clitheroe Castle yesterday with Y4 were so impressed with all the children. I received many compliments about their behaviour and enthusiasm. Well done Y4. My Headteacher’s Award goes to you today. I have also been impressed by Y1 this week. I have noticed them being very sensible around school. My Headteacher’s Award also goes to you. A group of Y6 pupils were at the Tri-Golf competition at Leigh Sports Village too yesterday, coming 2nd place. Well done to the team.
This week we are all very proud to have been recognised as an OUTSTANDING Church school. You should have received a letter inviting you to our Celebratory Communion Service in school on Tuesday 28th March at 2.30pm. The children are all invited to join us in our party packed lunch on that day (their own packed lunch is fine).
In our photograph you can see our Infant House captains: Georgina & Aston (Stuart), Laura & Austin (Hanover), Capprice & Max (Windsor), Florence & Aaron (Tudor).