It was lovely to see so many of you at the Music Concert on Wednesday morning. Congratulations to all our musicians in year 3 & 5 for the great performance. Everyone looked great today as they dressed up for Comic Relief. At the last count, £193 had been raised. Well done everyone! Raffle tickets are still on sale for the Easter raffle which will be drawn next Friday. All donations of easter eggs would be gratefully received. Next week we look forward to celebrating our outstanding Siams Inspection result on Tuesday. If children have not ordered a packed lunch now they will need to bring in their own. We will be enjoying a few different activities in the afternoon, before we have a service in school at 2.30pm. Please let the office staff know if you would like to attend that service. Due to this service and the Easter service on Thursday morning, we will not be having the usual Wednesday afternoon Church service.
Have a lovely week-end. Let’s hope this beautiful weather continues throughout the week-end.