We come to the end of another busy week at St. Stephen’s. On Tuesday I spent the day with our School Improvement Partner looking how things are progressing in school 12 months on from Inspection and identifying areas for development. I will send home some information soon about the areas in our school development plan. The day also included a conversation with a group of pupils about the curriculum. Some of our older pupils spoke confidently about our unique curriculum and all that the school has to offer. A big thank you to the group: Kiera, Josh, Anna, Luke, Aidan and Olivia. The coffee morning was a huge success this morning. Thank you to everyone who sent in cake donations, bought cakes and came along to our Infant Celebration Assembly. An amazing £451 has been raised today for MacMillan & Childhood Cancer. To raise awareness of Childhood Cancer we have decorated some of our fence outside school. Thank you to Miss Quinn and art club who helped us with this. Have a lovely week-end.