That's 5 weeks of this half-term completed- with 3 more to go! All the children should have brought home a copy of November's newsletter and the results of the recent parent questionnaire. Please remind your child of the importance of bringing the letters home to keep you up-to-date with all that goes on in school.
My Headteacher's Awards have gone today to Reception and Year 5. I am really proud of the way our Reception pupils are behaving at the moment. The children in Year 5 continue to make me proud too. On Thursday we had some visitors in Year 5 from the Ornithological Society. They were really impressed by Year 5's behaviour and attitude in the session. Well done!
Next week we have the final Open School Session on Tuesday morning at 9.30am when we welcome any prospective parents to look round. A group of year 6 pupils have been proudly showing our visitors round school. On Wednesday morning we welcome you to join us for the Year 4 & 6 Music Concert starting at 9.30am.
I hope you all have a lovely week-end.