What a great job our Reception pupils have done this week on their first full week in school. It has been lovely to see them getting involved in everything- including going over to church, assembly, daily mile, exploring the environment in the Reception area to name a few things. Well done everyone! Year 3 started the week with a Stone Age Day- and shared some of their learning with their families at the end of the day. All our music lessons have started this week, including the Y4 whole class brass lesson. Year 3 have been swimming today too. This year it is just our Year 3 class that will be swimming. They will be going from now until February half-term. The lessons are now one hour in length. All our after-school clubs start again next week. My headteacher’s awards have gone today to Year 1 and year 4. I have been impressed with both classes for their great effort. Keep it up! On Monday we are all excited as Boris the robot is coming into assembly to start us on our Heartsmart journey. I’m sure the children will tell you all about it. Have a lovely weekend.