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Wednesday 19th Jan


Start your day off by practising our new sound 'ow'. 

ow- go slow in the snow


Watch the video below to help!


Then, have a go at reading the following sentences and spotting the 'ow' sound. Point to the words that are made up of our new sound.


"We must mow the grass. It is long now. It had been slow to grow but I am sure it is growing faster now. It must be all the rain we had in March. The insects are all hopping in the tall grass. Will we spoil the fun they are having if we mow it?"

Phonics - ow - Blow the snow

A short video on ow. Words to have a go at writing are blow, snow, slow, show, know, flow, glow.



Doubles to 6


Play ʻPing-pongʼ. Say a number up to 6. Children reply with that numberʼs double. Start slowly, then gradually increase the pace. Occasionally say ʻpingʼ to which the response is ʻpongʼ to break up the game.


Main activity:

  • Ask child to show double 4 on their fingers. They then put one hand behind their back. What subtraction could we write? Record 8 – 4 = 4.
  • Repeat for double 3 and 6 – 3. Show double 3, and then put one hand behind our backs and write the subtraction, 6 – 3 = 3.
  • Collect a range of objects and count the total. Then, take some away and hide them behind your back. Ask the child how many are left? How many have been taken away? Can you write this as a sum?
  • Reveal the answer and keep repeating, changing the amount taken away each time e.g. 6 – 4 = 2
  • Congratulate child on how many number facts they now know – they are really clever mathematicians in Year 1!


Task: worksheet- bonds to 5, 6 and 7


Play ʻMiming mathsʼ. Mime a subtraction calculation for child to answer: show five fingers on your right hand, then use your left hand, held horizontally, to represent the minus sign. Change your left hand from a minus sign to show a number of fingers, e.g. 2, then use both hands parallel, one above the other, to represent the equals sign. The child shows the answer on their fingers, e.g. 3. Repeat with other subtractions from 5, 6 and 7, all using mime.

English Grammar-

In Grammar, we have been looking at suffixes. Suffixes are groups of letters that can be added to the end of words to make another word. By adding suffixes to nouns (words that name people, places or things), the word becomes an adjective (a word that gives more information about a noun). We have been focusing on adding 'er' and 'est' to the ends of our words. Eg- scary becomes scarier and scariest


Task: Can you add the correct suffix to each of these words?

Can you explain the meaning of each word?




We have been practising capital letters over the last week and now we are beginning to practice our cursive handwriting. Have a watch of the video below. On a piece of paper, have a go at practising the alphabet in your best handwriting! Take your time, remember to start your letters on the line- we don't want any letters floating away!


(If you are struggling, take it one step at a time and one letter at a time. Ask an adult to write the letter out for you, for you to trace over, then have a go next to the letter all by yourself.)


Extra challenges- Can you write your name in cursive?

Can you write your birthday in cursive? 

Can you write today's full date in cursive?

Can you write a sentence in cursive? 

Cursive Letter Formations (Year 1 and Year 2) - for parents and carers

Video to demonstrate how to write with a cursive script for the children that are ready to join when writing.


On Wednesday afternoons, we learn about our new Science topic "animals including humans".  


On Monday, we looked at different animals and decided which classification groups they fit into. We then observed animals in our local area around the school and drew them up. First, have a listen to the video to help you understand the different classifications of animals and their key groups.

Year 1 Science - Different Animal Groups - Amphibians, Reptiles, Mammals, Fish and Birds.

In Year 1 Science the children are learning about the different 'Animal Groups'. The children will be looking at five different animal groups, including Amph...


Go on a nature walk around your garden. Can you spot any animals? What animals might live there? What are the most common animals around your garden?


If you cannot find any, have a think about what animals you might find at a local park? Would you find a tiger there? Why not?


Complete the worksheets and draw a picture of the animals. Write what it is, where you would find it and also what group would it fit into?


Don't forget to colour in your drawings!
