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Autumn Term

Autumn Term

Our topic work this half term is called 'The Big Bad Wolf' and uses the story of the 'three little pigs' to help children investigate different materials for building homes.
Children have been exploring straw, sticks and bricks and why certain materials are better than others!





Investigating materials for building homes

Children have been building dens and helping the three little pigs set up their own home in the classroom. The three little pigs sent a letter to the children to ask if they could move their home into Year 1, so they would be safe. They were so scared that the 'Big Bad Wolf' would come back. However, they couldn't remember which materials they needed for their house, so Year 1 wrote some lists for them. 


Children have been drawing pictures for the three pigs and reading stories about them.

In literacy, they have been acting out the story of the three pigs and writing captions about them. To make sure that their sentences make sense, they have been taking time to start with a capital letter, carefully sound out words , use finger spaces and full stops to end.





In Religious Education, children have been discovering the meaning of Harvest and looking at a different Harvest in another country. They have made their own Harvest prayer and are shortly going to taste the results of our Harvest in school.