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Computing at St Stephen's 


At St Stephen’s CE Primary School, we understand the immense value that technology plays not only in supporting the Computing and whole school curriculum but overall in the day-to-day life of our school. Our aims are to fulfil the requirements of the National Curriculum for Computing whilst also providing enhanced collaborative learning opportunities, engagement in rich content and supporting pupil’s conceptual understanding of new concepts which support the needs of all our pupils.


“A high-quality computing education equips pupils to use computational thinking and creativity to understand and change the world…core of computing is computer science, in which pupils are taught the principles of information and computation, how digital systems work, and how to put this knowledge to use through programming. Building on this knowledge and understanding, pupils are equipped to use information technology to create programs, systems and a range of content.” National Curriculum


Our Computing curriculum aims to develop the heart and mind of every child. Computing teaching at has links with mathematics, science and design and technology and our aim is to provide a broad and balanced curriculum whilst ensuring that pupils become digitally literate and digitally resilient. Technology is ever evolving and we aim to develop pupils who can use and express themselves, develop their ideas through, information and communication technology at a suitable level for the future workplace and as active participants in a digital world.

Computing in the EYFS 


The EYFS framework is structured very differently to the national curriculum as it is organised across seven areas of learning rather than subject areas. The table below outlines the most relevant statements taken from the Early Learning Goals in the EYFS statutory framework and the Development Matters age ranges for Three and Four-Year-Olds and Reception to match the programme of study for computing.

The most relevant statements for computing are taken from the following areas of learning: • Personal, Social and Emotional Development • Physical Development • Understanding the World • Expressive Arts and Design


Computing Intent, Implementation and Impact Statement

Supporting Pupils in Computing with SEND


Here at St Stephen's, we believe that Computing has the potential to empower pupils with SEND. Computing  and Information Technology are essential tools for inclusion. They enable children with SEND , whatever their needs, to use technology purposefully in ways that make the wider curriculum accessible, empower those with communication difficulties to engage with others and to fully include everyone in activities and learning. 


Our Computing scheme of work offers children with SEND varied and engaging ways to communicate, collaborate, express ideas and demonstrate success. From making and editing video footage to programming animations and games - all pupils have an opportunity to participate, be challenged, learn and progress. 


We support children with SEND by providing:

  • Familiarity - Lessons follow similar patterns and involve aspects that appeal to various learning styles
  • Participation - Activities involve group or paired working with valuable roles for each member which encourages peer learning
  • Physical Activities - Unplugged activities makes it much easier to explore the concepts involved and to ask questions. This can be really beneficial to learners with communication or learning difficulties who find abstract concepts difficult and require a multimodal approach. Unplugged activities can include a range of sensory approaches, from physical movements, and from manipulting objects objects to drawing pictures. These types of activities  enable the use of familiar contexts to teach new concepts and knowledge. 
  • Progression - Tasks are structured into smaller steps that build towards achieving an overall objective; which form part pf progressive units of work providing full coverage of the National Curriculum for Computing at Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2. 
  • Flexibility - All units provide support videos and challenge/extension activities allowing teachers to cater for the individual needs of their pupils. In addition, some units provide a crash course planning document which can be used with learners who have missed prior learning in another year group. 
  • Range - A range of teaching approaches and material enable pupils to access learning e.g. colourful support materials/worksheets; video screencasts and unplugged activities support pupil's learning enabling them to achieve. 
  • Variety - A wealth of free software and online tools allow SEND pupils to demonstrate skills and progress, express ideas, improve digital literacy and boost self-confidence. 

