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Another busy week!

You should have received our newsletter today. You will also find a copy here on the website.

This week I have been particularly impressed with Year 5. I have received so many compliments about their behaviour and attitude. Well done Year 5! I present my Headteacher’s award to you. In the Infants this week I have been impressed with Year 2. Well done to everyone in year 2! I have seen you really trying to set a good example to our younger pupils.

Y5 have been out of school today on their trip to Jodrell Bank. Miss Parkinson was really impressed with all the pupils. It sounds as though they have had a great time on the interactive games outside, seeing Lovell telescope, on their fact-finding missions and in the Planetarium.

Year 6 have had a fun afternoon with the singer Michael James this afternoon. They sounded amazing! If any more pupils in Year 6 are able to join us at the concert tomorrow, they are most welcome. Please meet in Church from 7.00pm- the children are not wearing uniform.

Don’t forget our Bingo night tonight, and the concert tomorrow night with Michael James USA.

Have a lovely week-end.

