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End of term

We were all excited to watch the work happening on our new climbing walls at the end of March. You can see the finished results here. Mrs Newton was extremely proud of our Infant dance team and their performance in their recent dance competition. They looked amazing too! It was great to see so many of our families at the Spring Fayre too on 30th March. There was a range of stalls and fairground rides on the field. A big thank you to the Infant Singing Club and Junior Performing Arts Group  who entertained us. We had a very busy last week of term. On Tuesday it was great to see so many of you as you had meetings with the teachers. On Thursday we had a surprise visitor - the Easter Bunny - for our Easter Draw. A big thank you to everyone in year 3 for organising the draw. An amazing £419.03 was raised for year 3's chosen charity, Twinkle House. We finished the term with our whole school Easter service on Friday morning.  Thank you to the Parents' Association for organising the refreshments, and to all the family members who joined us. I hope you are enjoying the break. See you on Tuesday.  