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Weekly Update

Congratulations to our Cycle Speedway team, who won the festival on Monday. Well done to Chloe, Fraser, Charlie & Jack. Well done everyone! Particular mention goes to Chloe for standing in at the last minute. Year 5 had a great morning on Tuesday at the Crucial Crew event. Thank you to all the family members and friends who came along to our Year 3 and 5 music concert on Wednesday morning. We were treated to a great performance. On Wednesday afternoon we welcomed our new Reception children and their families into school for a fun afternoon. It was lovely to see everyone. On Monday Y1 are out of school at the National Waterways Museum. Fingers crossed we will be holding our Sports day on Tuesday, when all pupils are welcome to come to school in their house colours. On Wednesday we have our first pass up day, on Thursday Y3 are performing at Bedford High School in their performance of the Wizard of Oz and on Friday Y6 are going to Gulliver’s World. Another very busy week ahead. Have a lovely week-end.
