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Weekly Update

What a busy week we have had! It started off with our parent/ teacher meetings on Monday. I hope you found these informative. Our Y6 pupils have had the opportunity to develop their cycling skills this week. The instructors were really impressed with our pupils. Well done everyone on your achievements! On Wednesday Miss Burgess was out of school with our Water Polo team. She was really impressed with the children and how they worked together. Congratulations to Isabelle, Kian, Lydia, Liberty, Olivia G, Matthew, Harvey S, Olivia N and Charlie. This morning we launched the daily mile in school. Everyone joined in as they ran and walked round the playgrounds. We look forward to seeing all the benefits this will bring. The week finished with Y4 futsal and some football matches after school. I will report on these soon. The Church are holding their Spring Fair in the school hall tomorrow morning from 10.00am. Do call in if you are passing. I am looking forward to hearing our school choir sing at 11.00am. Enjoy the week-end. Let's see what next week will bring!
