Weekly Update
We began the week with a coffee morning with Mrs Rigby (our Family Welfare Officer) Mrs Rigby was pleased to speak to the families who were able to attend. She is in school each Monday morning. Please let us know if you would like to speak to her.
On Wednesday afternoon a group of our pupils took part in a swimming gala and swam extremely well. I hope to share a photograph next week.
Thank you to everyone for their generous gifts today for the Christmas Fair. Remember to keep the date free- Saturday 12th November.
Our Y6 pupils will no doubt have a busy week-end packing their bags for Low Bank Ground. On Wednesday next week we will be joined by our Rector, Martin, for our Church Service. Refreshments will be available in Church from 2.30pm if you are able to join us.
We are still awaiting our Ofsted report. It could be the end of next week or maybe after half-term before we receive it.
Thank you everyone for your understanding regarding the Before and After School provision. As you are aware, the current level of cover (from 8.00am until 4.15pm) remains in place for next week. Hopefully I will have more information regarding this matter by the end of next week.
I hope you all have a lovely week-end.