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Reading Expectations

In Year 3:

  • In their reading book, children should be reading at lime or silver level and accessing Project X Level 11 or 12, by the end of the year. They can read a text at the appropriate level of at least one page, answering questions which go beyond the literal.
  • In class, children will listen attentively to a range of stories in different genres, during class novel, comprehension and guided reading.
  • In comprehension, they can use clues to make predictions, makes inferences about characters and talk about an author’s use of language. They can use clues in the text to write about characters and why they act in a certain way.
  • They can find information in books using the index and contents, then by skimming and scanning. 
  • Children can use the alphabet to locate words in a dictionary. Children understand that the alphabet is made up of vowels and consonants.  
  • Children are able to learn simple poems by heart and recite them.