The children have settled quickly back into the school routines this week. On Thursday the Infant children had their first Window on the World assembly. In this assembly the children sit in their house groups with a member of staff. Throughout the assembly they have the opportunity to reflect on a theme and apply it to themselves. This week we were all considering the mark we can make on 2017. This is the poem we shared in Window on the World:
The New year lies before you
Like a spotless tract of snow
Be careful how you tread on it
For every mark will show.
Letters should have come home now about the After School Clubs, which all start next week. On Wednesday 18th January refreshments will be served in Church before the service. Rector Martin will be joining us.
I have received a message from a resident on Coldalhurst Lane asking if parents could please park considerately when dropping off/picking up children from school.
Enjoy the week-end.