Tropical Friday? The weather let us down this morning, but there has been lots of ‘sunshine’ in school. We started the day with a wonderful assembly lead by our Year 6 pupils. They shared their achievements and happy times. Good luck to you all in your new High Schools. We said goodbye today to Oscar W, Ben, Jayde, Alice and James as they move house and start in new schools in September. A couple of the photos show the card we received from Donna's Dream House following on from Y6 ticket sales at their show. Our new House Captains and Vice Captains were named in assembly today. They are: Kian, Bethany, Faye, Olivia G, Jasmine, Fedora, Megan, Liberty, Ellie, Aidan, Hannah, Olivia D, Olivia N, Harrison, Lucy & Matthew. Congratulations! We will be presenting the children with their badges at the start of the new term. We all wish you a very happy and safe Summer. See you on Tuesday 5th September.