Learning around school today
Everyone has settled well into their classes for the new year and in January we are focusing on perseverance - not giving up easily when faced with challenges. Classes are working very hard:
Reception are creating a fantastic ice world based on the North and South pole.
Year 1 have been busy thinking about their senses and today worked on reading a senses text.
Year 2 have been making gingerbread houses based on the Hansel and Gretel story, as well as writing descriptions using prepositions.
Year 3 had a fantastic time in Chester today where they met a Roman solider. Well done for your excellent behaviour.
Year 4 are learning about how we hear and carrying out sound investigations. Their presentation is beautiful at the moment.
Year 5 have been busy working on fractions and have had thoughtful discussions about their learning.
In Year 6 they have been designing and building fairground rides and writing adverts for their ideas.