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Update 11.12.24

Thank you to all the children in the juniors for another fabulous performance this morning. They all really excelled themselves. It was lovely to have so many family members with us again. Sharon and Johanne were busy again today, this time cooking Christmas dinner for our Junior pupils. Over the last couple of days they have prepared over 300 Christmas dinners and party bag lunches. Thank you both for all you do for us!

Good luck to our Singing Club who are taking part in the Bedford Christmas Show tonight. Next Thursday, 19th December, the Singing Club and our brass group will be performing our first ‘Carols on the Lawn’ at the front of school at 3.30pm. We hope you can join us for a short time at the end of the day. If any of our parents/ older siblings who are brass players would like to join us, please let Mr. Burrows know.

Tomorrow we look forward to the first of our Infant Christmas performances. Family members are asked to wait at the back of school near the Junior gates. We hope to open the gates just after 9.00am. Refreshments and raffle tickets for our hampers will be on sale before the performance at 9.30am.
