What a great day we have had in school today – everyone has looked fabulous in their pyjamas! Thank you so much to our year 6 class who carried out the draw for Children in Need this morning. Congratulations to all the winners – the top prizes of Pudsey and Blush bears have been won by Noah, Bobby, Freya and Halle. A special mention must go to Deacon in Y2 who raised £120 for Children in Need doing the duck race. Well done Deacon! So far as a school we have raised almost £450. We will let you know the final total once we have had the contributions from Y5 after their pyjama day next week.
Today you will have received information about Christmas dinner. For those children who don’t usually have a school dinner, please ensure all orders for the Christmas dinner and the Christmas party lunchbag are placed by next Friday 20th November. This will help Sharon with the ordering.
Next week is Anti-Bullying Week – United Against Bullying. We are going to start off the week by joining in Odd Sock Day on Monday. The children are invited to come to school wearing odd socks as we celebrate we are all unique. Throughout the week we will focus on being kind face to face and online.
I have been asked about Christmas cards. Can we please ask that cards are not brought in before 1st December? From this date there will be a postbox in each classroom. The last date for cards to come into school is Monday 14th December. Cards will remain in the postbox, and given to the children at the end of the week to open at home. We would really appreciate your support with this.
My final note is to mention that there is an envelope coming home next week. In the envelope there will be your child’s data collection sheet to check, parentpay log-in details and your child’s photograph.
Have a lovely weekend, and I will see you on Monday.
Mrs Southern