I know I say it every week – but this week has been a super busy one!
Our Year 6’s have been amazing in their Sats assessments this week. We are so proud of each and every one of them. Most our Year 6’s are at Low Bank Ground next week with Mrs Lowe, Mr Burrows and Mrs Peake. I am sure they will all have a wonderful time.
There has been much excitement in Reception as some eggs were delivered on Monday. What would hatch….an alligator, penguin or dinosaur amongst their guesses. Over the week we have had the safe arrival of 5 beautiful ducklings.
Year 3 had an amazing time on Wednesday on their visit to Imagine That! Thank you to everyone who supported the children on the day.
I talked to the children about the work of Christian Aid this week. If anyone would like to send money in for Christian Aid, please send it in the envelope provided. There weren’t enough envelopes for everyone – so please use your own envelope if necessary.
Our week finished with the Rugby League World Cup trophies coming to school today. All the classes have had photos with them – and we will be sharing them with you. Here is one of our Reception class.
Have a wonderful weekend everyone.