This week saw the return of our Year 5 class. It was lovely to have them back in school with us. Again, they did a great job with their remote learning. Well done everyone! We thank everyone for their continued support in these very uncertain times. Please let us know if there is anything we can help with.
We have been lucky enough to receive a community donation from the new Cross Hillocks Coop which is opening tomorrow, 23rd November. Mrs Pickford has arranged to use this donation for the benefit of all the pupils with some well-being sessions. On Thursday afternoon our Junior pupils are going to take part in a Magic Mindset Workshop, where they will work through several activities to come to their Magic Word or Mantra. Their word will be put on a postcard and given to the children. The Infants will have a session of giggles on Friday afternoon. This will also involve a colouring competition. These sessions, with Louby Lou, are taking place virtually, and we are looking into how we can ensure that any children who are self-isolating get access to them. Thanks to the Coop for the generous donation, and to Mrs Pickford for organising these for us.
As we start to think about Advent and the lead up to Christmas we have a few plans – but please bear with us as we may need to adapt them. Things are very different this year. We start Advent by having a non-uniform day on Tuesday 1st December. For this we are inviting you to send in an item (chocolates/ sweets/ toys/ games/ tins/ packets/ toiletries). These are then going to be distributed to local charities/ families in our community. Like at Harvest- there will be boxes at the school entrances for the collection. Look out for details coming home soon about a Christmas Draw – similar to the raffle we usually hold at the Carol Services.
Take care everyone.