Good afternoon everyone,
What a change we have seen in the weather this week. Please make sure your child has a coat in school every day. A scarf and gloves are handy too. It helps us if names are in everything, then we can return items to the children as we find them around school. If the weather is bad the children are welcome to walk to school in wellies or boots, and bring their school shoes to change into for the day.
Our grand total for Children in Need is a staggering £616.16. This includes £81.80 from the cake sale last week. Thank you so much to Deacon and his mum for providing the cakes, and to everyone who bought them.
On Tuesday next week we invite our families from Y1 and 2 to join us for family worship. Tuesday is also our Open Day. We are welcoming families to look round school at 1.30pm or 5.30pm. Please share this information with any families you know who are interested in looking round our school, and ask them to phone school to book on one of the time slots.
We have recently reviewed our Whole School Relationships and Behaviour Policy. Here is the link to the policy on our website:
This is the policy we refer to as we strive to provide a calm and nurturing environment which prepares our pupils to be confident, happy citizens. As always, if you want to discuss anything in the policy then do not hesitate to get in touch.
In our Christmas performances we will be running our usual Christmas raffle – including hampers. If anyone has connections with a local business who would kindly donate a raffle prize, they would be most welcome. Items for our hampers are also welcome.
Here you can see Jeremie. A shining light in our school. Thank you Jeremie for thinking of others.
Have a lovely weekend everyone.