The weeks seem to be flying by! We come to the end of another busy week. Today we said thank you and goodbye to Mrs Rogers, as she leaves us to start her new job. We wish her all the very best. We had a Year 4 team taking part in an ATSA futsal competition this afternoon too. They had a great time. Congratulations to: Charlie, Freya, Teddy, Millie, James and Emily. Thank you for representing our school so proudly.
Next week our Tweak of the Week remains the same: being ready for learning as you enter the classroom. Unfortunately, school is closed next Thursday, 2nd May, for polling purposes. Church would have been used- but is out of use, as you are aware. The day is an Inset day for staff.
Please spread the word about our Summer Fayre on Saturday 29th June. If you know anyone interested in having a stall please ask them to phone the school office. If you can help in any way it would be most appreciated. That could be setting up in the morning, running a game or tidying up afterwards. We also need help in planning the event. I will be in touch next week about a time we can meet to plan the day.
Next week I will also send home information about the Sponsored Walk on Friday 24th May.
I hope you have a lovely weekend.