Thank you everyone for your continued support in keeping school a safe place. We have just 3 weeks left this term, and I ask that everyone remains vigilant and continues to follow the guidance as we move back in to tier 3 next week. As far as school is concerned, things remain the same. Please do continue to follow the one-way system set up (ie walk towards school via the path on your left as you come on to the school site/ or up the driveway, and leave via the path near Church.) The children are asked ideally to arrive at the most 5 minutes before their start time to avoid any overlap with classes, and avoid being late wherever possible. All adults coming on site are reminded to stay 2m apart from people you do not live with when you are waiting outside school. An updated version of the risk assessment has been uploaded to the website.
Increased ventilation can make the classrooms cooler than usual at the moment. It is still important that the children wear school uniform, but you are welcome to send your child in with an extra layer under their uniform or a red zip-up fleece (plain or with logo).
I have asked those children using bikes and scooters if they can please show consideration to everyone by getting off them as they arrive at the bottom of the pathway and walk with them to the store. Again, at the end of the day, they are asked to walk with them to the bottom of the path.
Stay safe and enjoy the weekend everyone.