Yesterday Mrs Newton was out of school with a group of our Key Stage 1 children at a dance competition. The children were so excited on their return to school to tell me that they had come 2nd (out of 12 schools). I’ve heard they were brilliant. Well done to everyone – to Gracie, Kate, Sophia, Zack, Laycy, Capprice, Laura & Jorja. I am so proud of you. Thank you Mrs Newton (and your helpers Honey & Phoebe J) for your work with the children.
Yesterday Mr. Haigh was in school with us for the day inspecting our distinctiveness as a Church School. All the children were an absolute credit to the school. We will hear the outcome shortly. My Headteacher Awards have gone today to every single class in school. Mr. Haigh commented on their impeccable behaviour and manners, politeness, respect, love of learning and care for one another.