Thank you to everyone who came along to Parents Evening on Monday. I’m pleased to say that there was a 95% turn out. Hopefully you found the evening useful. Thank you also to the parents who completed the questionnaires. The information is being collated at the moment and will be shared with you next week. Members of our PA were on hand making refreshments and selling some really good-quality books. Thank you to you all.
Nationally next week is Anti-Bullying Week. We will be recognising this in school, and will send some information home. You should have already received a letter from the School Council about our plans for next Friday, Children in Need Day. All the children are invited to come to school in their pyjamas and bring a £1.00 donation. Raffle tickets are also on sale, where the children can win a range of Children in Need prizes.
We have new Headteacher’s Awards in both Infants and Juniors. Our bees are awaiting names – the children are currently helping me decide on names. Congratulations to Reception and Year 3 for winning the awards this week.
I hope to see you at the Christmas Fayre tomorrow. I am particularly looking forward to hearing our brass players in Church from 11.30am. Note that our musicians are not required to wear uniform.
Enjoy the weekend.