Weekly Update
As we come to the end of another week I would like to award my Headteacher’s awards to Year 2 and Year 5. This is the first time Year 5 have received my award this year. I am really pleased with their improved behaviour both in the classroom and out on the yard. Keep it up Year 5! Our swimming team took part in a gala on Wednesday afternoon. Well done to Kian, Charlie, Matthew, Olivia G, Faye, Megan, Tyler & Liberty. We start next week with our Parent meetings on Monday. You should now have your appointment time (s). Please contact your child’s teacher if not. This week you should have received information regarding the election of 2 parent governors. The information is on our website (under the parents section). On Tuesday from 2.45 – 3.15pm Emma Teale and Colin Shackleton (former parent Governors) are available to speak to any parents considering becoming a parent governor. The closing date is Friday 20th October, 12.00 noon. On Wednesday Rector Martin will be in Church with us for our Church Service. Refreshments will be served before the service from 2.30pm. On Thursday the by-election is being held in the Church. School will remain open. Next Friday we close at 3.15pm for the half-term break. Have a great weekend.