A huge congratulations to Mrs Newton and our Infant dance team for winning the judge’s choice in their competition yesterday. The children couldn’t wait to get back to school to tell us all about it! Well done to: Darcey, Evelyn, Isabelle, Gracie, Zach, Seren, Emma, Annabelle and Laycy. Next week it’s our Junior dancers turn, as they take part in a competition on Wednesday afternoon. Today we had our first open session for new parents. Thank you to Aidan, Harrison, Olivia and Lydia for proudly showing our visitors round school. The next one takes place on Monday afternoon at 1.30pm. Also on Monday Y3 are having their Stone Age day. We have Y4 & Y6 music concert in the hall on Wednesday 29th November, starting around 9.30am. All parents are welcome to join us. On Thursday Nomad Rangers are working with Y5. This afternoon we said goodbye to Miss Roberts. We thank her for all that she has done here at St. Stephen’s supporting the pupils, and wish her all the best for the future.