Weekly Update
It's been a busy week again at St. Stephen's. On Monday our Y6 dodgeball team took part in a competition after school. Mr Lawrenson was really impressed with the team and how they worked together. At the end of our worship on Monday we counted down as we turned on the Christmas lights and put the star on top of the tree. Our youngest and oldest pupils - Susie and Sam - helped Mr Lawrenson. On Tuesday afternoon our performing arts group sang to a packed tea room at Dam House. I was really pleased to receive an email from a lady who just happened to be there for lunch. She was delighted with the childrens' performance. We were treated to a fabulous performance from our year 3 and 4 pupils on Wednesday morning, as they played their instruments and sang some songs. Everyone has been busy preparing for our performances next week. Do make sure you have your tickets. This afternoon the Road Safety team are going to another meeting about improving the safety on the roads around school. The anti-crash crew are busy designing a logo. Have a lovely week-end.