This week we have welcomed Alfie into our Reception class.
On Wednesday Mr. Dawson, Headteacher from St. Mary’s High School, met up with our Y6 pupils. On Thursday the Infants had their 2nd Window on the World assembly. We used a story about a dormouse and an owl to start to explore our current value, wisdom. I have talked to the Infants about having Infant House Captains. In the coming weeks we will be selecting some Captains from Year 2.
Today my Headteacher’s Awards have gone to Y2 and Y6. I have been pleased to see the maturity of the children in Year 2. Year 6 have been making a real effort to keep the area outside their classroom tidy and clutter-free. Thank you.
I realise some of the children have not gained places in the After School Clubs this half-term. We are fortunate that a number of staff provide a variety of clubs, though all clubs do have to have a maximum number.
Have a lovely week-end.