Today we come to the end of this short half-term. It has been a very busy one, and I’m sure everyone is ready for the break next week. Mr Lawrenson was proud of our Year 5 and 6 girls on Monday at the Football Festival. They did a great job, winning one, drawing one and narrowly losing two. Well done to the team: Luciana, Jennifer, Mercedes, Kiera, Scarlett, Tilly, Laura, Ella and Anna. Special mention to Brooke, who got injured at the last minute, and to the supporting parents. On Tuesday Ben A’s mum was in Y4 delivering a money workshop ‘The Rocket bank’. Thank you for a very enjoyable and informative session. Newsletters and After-school club letters have been sent home recently. If you are having a clear out over the holiday then a Bag2School has come home today. The bags are to be brought back to school on Friday 7th June. Don’t forget to collect your raffle ticket for every bag brought into school. Have a lovely break. See you on Tuesday 4th June.