Welcome back everyone. I would like to say a big thank you to everyone – in particular the pupils- for making me feel so welcome.
We extend a special welcome to all our new Reception pupils and to Elliott in Y2. It has been great to see everyone back in school. Welcome also to Mrs Howarth teaching in Year 2. Mrs Deakin has been in school this week. She finishes school today before starting her maternity leave. We wish her all the best.
In our assemblies we have been thinking about our fresh start and what changes we might want to bring about for ourselves this year. Our Wednesday Church services will continue this year, starting at approximately 2.50pm in Church. Do try and join us. Thank you to Rector Martin for joining us in our assembly today. He will be with us on Wednesday 21st September in Church at 2.50pm when we welcome our Reception pupils into the family of St. Stephen’s. All families are most welcome.
I hope this lovely weather continues and that you all have a great week-end.
Mrs Southern