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  • Final update of the half-term

    Fri 16 Feb 2018
    A huge thank you to everyone for their hard work this half-term. It has been a long half-term, and I'm sure everyone is looking forward to the break. On Monday evening our year 5's did a great job in their performance with the Halle at St. Mary's High School. We had a lovely service in school on Ash Wednesday with Rector Martin, and it was great that so many of you were able to join us. Our Year 6 Tri-golf team took part in a tournament at Leigh Sports Village yesterday. They took on 7 other schools in 8 different challenges involving putting and chipping. They all had a fabulous time, and with a grand total of over 1,400 points took away the gold medals. The team will now go on to represent Wigan in the Greater Manchester Games later this year. Well done everyone. Today my Headteacher's awards have gone to Year 1 in the Infants for welcoming Mrs. Stephens to their classroom as their teaching assistant, and to the ethos team in the Juniors. This week they helped deliver our Monday morning assembly and the service on Wednesday. Thank you. I hope that the weather is kind to us over the half-term break, and everyone has a great week. See you on 26th!
  • Weekly Update

    Fri 09 Feb 2018

    Our football team started the week with 2 tough matches. They didn't win their games, but displayed great teamwork. Well done everyone! We had a great day on Monday in our houses, as we looked at using the internet safely. Thank you to Mrs Deakin for organising the work. Today we have shared the messages in our assemblies. It was great to see so many of you there. There is a parents information sheet available from the office if you weren't able to join us. Thank you to the members of the Parents' Association who provided the cakes and made the drinks. Year 2 had a great day at Martin Mere on Wednesday, and I enjoyed hearing their recount of the day yesterday. Our Year 5s are all set for their performance at St. Mary's High School on Monday evening. I am really looking forward to hearing their work. Have a lovely week-end.

    Have a read through these statistics we have gathered from our KS2 children this week:

    1. Almost half the children don't ask permission before going online.

    2. 90% of children do not have an adult with them when they are on the internet.

    3. 63% of children chat to friends online regularly.

    4. 43% have had a friend request off someone they don't know.

    5. 18% have spoken to someone online they don't know.

    6. A quarter of the children in the juniors access social media platforms such as Instagram, Snapchat and WhatsApp. This number increases to almost 50% in years 5 & 6.

  • Weekly Update

    Fri 02 Feb 2018

    This week I have been really impressed with Years 1 and 4. They have been working so hard. My Headteacher’s Awards have gone to both year groups. Well done! Year 5 have been continuing their work with the Halle this week, ahead of their concert on February 12th. Next week we have Safer Internet Day with the theme of Create, Connect and Share respect: A better internet starts with you. The children will be working in houses on Monday raising awareness of keeping safe on the internet. On Friday you are invited to our assemblies where we can share the important messages we have been thinking about. The Infant assembly will be at 9.30am and the Junior assembly at 2.45pm. Hope you can join us. On Monday our football team have their next matches after school, on Tuesday a group of our year 5s are taking part in a Tag rugby competition and on Wednesday year 2 are going to Martin Mere. Busy, busy! Good luck to Jasmine and Anna tomorrow in the Greater Manchester Schools Cross Country Championships. Have a lovely week-end.
