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  • Update 8th May

    Fri 08 May 2020
    Well done to everyone on another super week of home learning. It is great to see and hear about everything that is going on at home, including the work set by the teachers and the lovely things you are doing together as a family. Today is V.E. Day and the start of the stay-at-home Bank Holiday. I know some of you have some street celebrations planned at the front of your homes. I hope you have a lovely day and stay safe. If you have any photos to share, it would be great to see them. Don't forget the school quiz later too.
    I'll finish with something Rector Martin said in our virtual governor meeting earlier in the week, 'Be kind to ourselves and each other'.
    Take care everyone, and enjoy your weekend.
  • Update 1st May 2020

    Fri 01 May 2020
    We come to the end of another week of home learning. Thank you to all the staff for their work at the moment. We are all doing our best to provide work and activities to support your child's learning. We are always reviewing how we do this. Thank you to everyone for the feedback on how this is going. Do let me (via dojo or at or your child's class teacher know how you are finding everything. What is going well and what can we do better? We really appreciate your support at the moment, and are so impressed by all that you are doing. Don't forget the quiz tonight at 6.00pm.
    Keep safe everyone, and have a good weekend.