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  • End of half-term

    Fri 14 Feb 2020

    What a great half-term we have just had, and a busy one! The children have really embraced their Heartsmart work on ‘Too much selfie isn’t healthy’. We have been looking at the importance of others and how to love them well, using some of our values as a guide. Compassion, wisdom, friendship, trust, thankfulness, forgiveness, peace. We have really focussed on our golden rules, and the importance of everyone following them. We recognise those children who do, and work with those who sometimes make the wrong choices. Another focus this half-term has been our attendance and punctuality. It has been great to see the difference this has made. Good attendance and punctuality are essential to your child’s success in school. There are a small number of families who still need to aim to be in school before the start of the day. The children have had lots of sporting events this half-term – including girls and boys football, dodgeball and KS1 kurling. Congratulations to our Infant team – KS1 ATSA kurling competition winners! Our Reception had a great time on their first school trip to ‘Imagine That!’ The building work at the back of school is nearing completion, and we will be finding some time for you to have a look once it is all finished. The plan is that the current arrangements at the start and end of the school day will continue, with the Junior children being met on the back yard. Now we have the new gym we are going to have a new path put in at the side of the garden area to enable all parents easy access to the back yard. We have just updated the phones and now there is an option to leave a message if necessary. Thank you to Sam and Emily for recording the messages. Let us know if you have any feedback on the system.  As always, please let me know if you have any concerns or want to discuss anything we are doing in school. I hope everyone has a wonderful half-term break, and we all look forward to seeing you on Monday 24th February.
